Teamsters Local 177
Teamsters Local 177

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Part Timer Page

Part Time Employees


 A Union is a group of workers who joined together and acting in concert to promote their collective best interest. Union members elect the various leaders such as Stewards, Business Agents,etc. to represent them against the company in many workplace issues.


 The Teamsters are the largest trade union in the country with a membership of approximately 1.4 million workers. The parent organization, now known as the International Brotherhood of Teamsters was formed in 1903 originally serving the interest of deliverymen who drove "teams" of horses before the advent of the motor truck. Therefore the name- Teamster still remains. As a member of a Teamsters bargaining unit, you are entitled to representation from your Union.


 A Shop Steward is your first point of contact and is elected every year. Your Steward's job is to educate you and to communicate to you what your local Union is doing for you. They are not part of the UPS Management team, they work as hourly employees, just like you, and perform the same kind of labor you do. They are concerned about your on the job safety and how you are treated. If you are facing discipline from your Supervisor, you should respectfully request to have your Shop Steward present. If you feel something is not right in your work situation, you should let your Steward know.


 A very important factor in resolving a dispute with management is the involvement of your Shop Steward. Failure in having your Shop Steward present may cause further injury to the situation and possibly result in being unjustly disciplined. When anticipating a dispute with Management or a co-worker, it is your right to have a Shop Steward present. (Refer to National Master, Article 4), which states in part:

  " The Employer recognizes the employee's right to be given requested representation by a Steward, or a designated alternate, at such time the employee reasonably contemplates disciplinary action."

REMEMBER, It is up to you, the employee, to insist upon Union representation.


If you are called to a meeting with management, read the following to management

"If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my Union Representative, Officer, or Shop Steward, be present in this meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to participate in this discussion."


 If you are injured or think you are injured on the job, you should report the injury to your supervisor and your Shop Steward at the time of the injury. It is not up to your supervisor to decide whether or not you've been injured. It is not their job to give medical advice.

Failure to report your injury at the time of injury may result in UPS disputing your injury and compensation benefits.


 All pay shortages should immediately be reported to your Shop Steward. If your pay shortage is valid, your Steward will try to resolve the issue with your immediate supervisor. If your shortage is disputed or not corrected, the Shop Steward may elect to file a grievance under National Master, Article 17. In order to assist your Steward in resolving your pay shortage, keep an accurate record of all hours worked every day. This will go a long way in helping the Steward to resolve your shortage.


  The employer shall not in any way intimidate, harass, coerce, or overly supervise any employee in the performance of his or her duties. The employer will treat employees with dignity and respect at all times, which shall include, but not be limited to, giving due consideration to the age and physical condition of the employee. Employees will also treat each other as well as the employer with dignity and respect. (Refer to National Master, Article 37 for complete Article.)


Refer to National Master, Article 3, Section 7. Also Supplemental Agreement Article 40, Section 7.

Our contract, mutually agreed upon by both UPS and the Teamsters in the above articles, states that the Company (UPS Management) shall not direct or require supervisors to do work which is recognized as the work of the employees. In other words, supervisors are prohibited from doing work that one of us, a Union member, would get paid to do. If you believe that a supervisor is doing your work, or someone else's, notify your Shop Steward.


Failure to follow instructions and gross insubordination are very serious subjects and can lead to the employee being discharged.

NEVER SAY: "No, I will not do it", to the supervisor. Do the task and then ask for the Shop Steward.


Part-time employees (except air drivers) are guaranteed 3 1/2 hours of work upon reporting to work as scheduled.


 If you leave employment at UPS, contact the Union Hall immediately, as you are entitled to an honorary withdrawal card which will enable you to rejoin this Teamster local as well as any other Teamster Union in the US and Canada without paying an additional initiation fee.

NOTE: To be eligible for a Union withdrawal card, all dues and initiation fees must be paid up to date.

Link to Withdrawal Card Request 

Page Last Updated: Oct 14, 2024 (13:25:26)

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