As you begin your retirement process, you MUST ALSO contact the Teamsters Western Region & Local 177 Health Care Plan to begin your transition from the active benefits plan to the retiree benefits plan.
UPS members can click on the Retiree / Enrollment Forms link to print out the required enrollment forms to be filled out and returned directly to the Teamsters Western Region & Local 177 Health Care Plan. You can contact the plan at 1-855-215-2039 or contact the Local Union Hall if you have any questions about the transition from active to retiree benefits.
Please review this Important Notice if you are considering retirement in regard to a lapse of coverage
As you prepare for retirement, please review your Active Summary Plan Description (SPD) compared to your Retiree Summary Plan Description (SPD) below:
Also, Local 177 UPS both full-time and part-time members can now run a retirement estimate calculation and APPLY for Pension Benefits on their own through the website. Once you sign in to your account, type the word 'retirement benefit calculator' into the search bar at the top of the home page and follow the prompts for the Retirement Calculator/Retire Online.
If you have any questions after running your retirement estimate, please see your H.R. representative or contact the UPS Retirement Department directly at
Page Last Updated: Nov 06, 2024 (07:07:17)